Selasa, 29 April 2014

description text " My Little Bruno"

I have a pet. My pet is a fish. His name is Bruno. I gave him that name because I think that is a unique name. bruno’s color was golden but he grow up and his color changes into yellow. His body is not a big. His eyes is small and his color scales is smooth. He lives in the little aquarium in my room. He always entertain me when I bored. Sometimes I talk to  him. I feed him with “pellet” . he do not like if the water in aquarium dirty so I have to change the water twice a week.

Minggu, 27 April 2014

report text FISH

        Fish comes in an amazing variety of shapes and colours. All of it live in water, have fins, and use gills to get oxygen from the water. Fish take in water all the time. The water flows in through the mouth, over the gills, and out through the sides of the head. When a fish takes in water, it is not drinking but breathing, and the gills absorb oxygen from the water. The body of a fish is made up of the head, the trunk, and the tail fins.

Senin, 07 April 2014

narative "The Legend of Semarang"

Long time ago in Central Java there lived a King from Demak, his name was Made Pandan. He had a son called Prince Pandan Aran. One day, Made Pandan invited Pandan Aran and his fellows to left Kingdom of Demak. They went to the west to find another place. After seveal days, Made Pandan found a forest that he thought was suitable,and comfortable to living. Then he opened the forest and made a school for ,moslem learning. Made Pandan taught his fellows to learn about islam. From that many people wanted to learn toward him. He lived happily with his son in there, he hoped that someday his son want to continue became a moslem teacher.

Before Made Pandan died, he noticed to his son in order to continue his aspiration and spread the moslem religion. Prince Pandan Aran was fulfill his promise to his father, he became a moslem teacher and he manage the agriculture land. One day when he and his fellows farmed up the land suddenly there was a strange thing. He found an area which was full of tamarine tree and they grew very rare, so from what have done he give name for that place is SEMARANG which meant asem or tamarine that grew arang or very rare. Because he opened Semarang area, he became a leader and had a titled  “Ki Ageng Pandanarang I”

spoof " ooops! "

One day when I opened my group MKU Bahasa Indonesia, one of the lecturer Mr. Pyu posted a story about his holiday, he said that we have to be carefull when we visit Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI), this is story for us to learn. Last week Mr. Pyu went to TSI with his family by a car. Finally he arrived in the TSI. He and his family looked at the tame animal but suddenly his car was strike and his uncle out from the car to check the machine. He and his family thought that the situation was secured so they let the uncle to check the machine. When the uncle open the roof of car, Mr. Pyu looked at the surrounding looked for the help but no one employee at there. After a while, Mr. Pyu chatted with his uncle and suddenly his family whispered at him that there were a lion and came closer to the uncle. All of family afraid and did not know to do. Mr. Pyu could not say anything, he just stared at the lion. He thought why lion in this zone, because this zone is for tame animal, he speechless. His uncle did not realized the lion yet, until the lion came closer and at his back exactly. His uncle surprised and stared at the lion when the lion said “ don’t forget to choose in general election sir!”