is a fishing village in Tambakrejo in Sumbermanjing, East Java, about 70
kilometers away from Malang, the nearest big city.
Apart from the charms of the southern sea, Sendangbiru has an annual event called petik laut, when residents have a four-day beach party, featuring music performances, a dusk-to-dawn shadow puppet show and, to cap things off, the floating of offerings into the sea in a ritual called the labuh semboyo.
Apart from the charms of the southern sea, Sendangbiru has an annual event called petik laut, when residents have a four-day beach party, featuring music performances, a dusk-to-dawn shadow puppet show and, to cap things off, the floating of offerings into the sea in a ritual called the labuh semboyo.
activity has been held since 1983,” said Sumaji, chairman of the organizing
committee for this year’s event. The ritual is performed to express thanks to
God for abundant fish catches and to pray for safety on the water in the year
ahead. During the petik laut,
fishermen show respect for the sea, halting work temporarily to allow for the
restoration of polluted waters and marine resources, which have been cleanly
managed to date.
For the
petik laut, ritual offerings were prepared in the house of Haji Atmo Usmail, a
local elder. The preparations crossed ethnic boundaries, as those from Javanese
families with a long history in Sendangbiru mixed with more recent arrivals
from Bali, Madura and Makassar to decorate a giant tumpeng rice cone and a
small gitik sesajen boat.
taken from : the jakarta post
taken from : the jakarta post